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The Division of Criminal Investigation does its best to assure that the information presented here is accurate and current. This site is updated on a regular basis; however the information can change quickly. It is possible that information accessed or obtained through this Web site may not reflect current residences, employment, school attendance, or other information regarding such individuals. This current registration information is available to you. Pursuant to SDCL 22-24B-10 "An offender's registration compliance status and registration information, other than the registrant's social security number, victim name, DNA sample, and the names, addresses, and phone numbers for local contacts and next of kin are public information." This additional public registration information can be viewed at the police station of the municipality in which the sex offender resides, temporarily domiciles, attends school, attends postsecondary education classes, or works. If no chief of police exists for that location, then the information will be with the sheriff of that county.[Some sex offenders are identified as being registered on an Indian Reservation. This website has posted the information provided to it from the registering Reservation. You are strongly encouraged to contact the Reservation directly to obtain the most current information on a sex offender who is registered on a Reservation.]

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This information is being made available on the Internet to facilitate public access to information about persons who have committed sex offenses to enable you to take appropriate precautions to protect yourself and those in your care from possible harm. DCI has not assessed any specific risk of re-offense with regard to any individual prior to his or her inclusion within this registry, and has made no determination that any individual included in the registry is currently dangerous. The reason for providing this information is to make it more easily available and accessible, not to warn about any specific individual. Individuals included within the registry are included solely by virtue of their conviction record and state law. Public access to registry information is intended solely to educate the public.

It is your responsibility to make sure the records you access through this site pertain to the person about whom you are seeking information. A positive identification of an individual cannot be conclusively established by comparing name, date of birth, social security number or other information with that provided in this registry. Comparisons based on appearance may also be misleading, and cannot establish a positive identification without some possibility of error. The only way to positively link someone to a sex offender record is through fingerprint verification. Therefore, extreme care should be exercised in using any information obtained from this web site. Neither the DCI nor the State of South Dakota shall be responsible for any errors or omissions produced by secondary dissemination of this information.

ANY PERSON WHO USES INFORMATION CONTAINED IN OR ACCESSED THROUGH THIS WEBSITE TO THREATEN, INTIMIDATE, OR HARASS ANY INDIVIDUAL, INCLUDING REGISTRANTS OR FAMILY MEMBERS, OR WHO OTHERWISE MISUSES THIS INFORMATION, MAY BE SUBJECT TO CRIMINAL PROSECUTION. A violation is a Class 6 felony and the violator could be sentenced to the South Dakota State Penitentiary for up to two years and could be fined up to $4,000. If you believe that any of the information found in these records is in error, or you would like additional information, please contact the sheriff of the county or the chief of police of the city where the sex offender resides.

While DCJS cannot tell you if there are any Level 1 sex offenders or sex offenders with a pending risk level in your neighborhood or who they are, the agency can advise if a particular individual is on the registry.

Call 1-800-262-3257 with the name and at least one other identifier (an exact address, date of birth, driver's license number, or a social security number) to learn if that individual is a registered sex offender in New York. Photographs of Level 1 offenders also are provided upon request.

The Sex Offender Registry contains a variety of information about registered sex offenders, including but not limited to: multiple photos, names (aliases), home and/or work addresses, and convictions that required registration, if applicable.

Level 3 offenders and those offenders designated sexual predators must personally verify their address every 90 days with the police agency having jurisdiction where they live. If an offender's appearance has changed, police may photograph the offender and submit the update photo to the Registry.

The Sex Offender Registration Act requires the Division of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) to maintain a Sex Offender Registry. Sex offenders are classified according to their risk of re-offending: low-risk (Level 1), moderate risk (Level 2) and high-risk (Level 3). The Act requires that DCJS also maintain a public Subdirectory on the internet which only includes Level 2 and 3 offenders. You are now on the public Subdirectory website.

DCJS attempts to ensure that the information in the Subdirectory is accurate and complete. However, the information on the Subdirectory is reported to DCJS by other sources. As a result, DCJS makes no express or implied guarantee concerning the accuracy or completeness of this data.

Please note that because of a law suit filed by The Legal Aid Society on behalf of some sex offenders, not all Level 2 and 3 offenders can be listed on this site at this time. However, even though an offender may not be listed on this site, information about the offender is available through DCJS's 800 # at 800-262-3257.

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Certain viral infections (for example, measles) are known to have lasting effects on immune responses to other infections. But little is known about how COVID-19 affects subsequent responses to other pathogens, particularly for people who experience mild COVID-19.

This study not only adds to the understanding of the changing immune states in humans in response to mild COVID-19 but also provides a basis for the study of other, more complex immunological scenarios.

The Texas Sex Offender Registration Program (Chapter 62 of the Code of Criminal Procedure) is a sex offender registration and public notification law designed to protect the public from sex offenders. This law requires adult and juvenile sex offenders to register with the local law enforcement authority of the city they reside in or, if the sex offender does not reside in a city, with the local law enforcement authority of the county they reside in. Registration involves the sex offender providing the local law enforcement authority with information that includes, but is not limited to, the sex offender's name and address, a color photograph, and the offense the offender was convicted of or adjudicated for. Registered sex offenders are required to periodically report to the local law enforcement authority to verify the accuracy of the registration information and to promptly report certain changes in the information as those changes occur. A sex offender who fails to comply with any registration requirement is subject to felony prosecution.

DCJS maintains the Sex Offender Registry and provides information to the public, law enforcement agencies, businesses and other entities about individuals required to register as sex offenders in New York State.

Search the Online Directory Disclaimer Register for Relocation Alerts Searches for Employers Camps Volunteer Organizations FAQs Risk Level Designation Information Resources for Victims Survivors

Registry staff are available from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday, excluding legal holidays. Phone: 518-417-3384 Registry Search Requests: 518-457-5837 or 800-262-3257 Mailing Address: New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services, Sex Offender Registry, 10th Floor, 80 South Swan St., Albany, N.Y. 12210 Email:

This statutorily required video is designed to educate parents on the topic of sexual abuse. It includes interviews with individuals convicted of sex offenses against children; interviews with three survivors of childhood sexual abuse; and a demonstration by an FBI Special Agent who details the dangers of online chat rooms.

New Jersey law authorizes the Division of State Police to make available to the public over the Internet information about certain sex offenders required to register under Megan's Law. The sex offender Internet registry law can be found in the New Jersey Code at 2C:7-12 to -19.

This information is being made available on the Internet to facilitate public access to information about persons who have committed a sex offense, to enable you to take appropriate precautions to protect yourself and those in your care from possible harm. Public access to registry information is intended solely for the protection of the public, and should never be used to threaten, intimidate or harass another.(See "Prohibitions on Misuse of Registry Information" below.)

The registry is not a complete and comprehensive listing of every person who has ever committed any sex offense in New Jersey, nor does it make information about every sex offender living in New Jersey available on the Internet. In accordance with New Jersey law, individuals who have been convicted, adjudicated delinquent or found not guilty by reason of insanity for a sex offense must register under New Jersey's Megan's Law. The specific offenses for which registration is required can be found in New Jersey Code at 2C:7-2. Individual registrants are then assessed to determine whether they pose a relatively low, moderate or high risk of re-offense, based on application of elements such as the characteristics of the sex offense or offenses they committed, their offense history and other criteria such as response to treatment and community support. Under New Jersey law, before community notification takes place, offenders receive a final classification order from the court following the opportunity for a hearing.


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